Are rates clearance figures payable to the council?

Don’t sweat your bank account. Bridge it against your net seller’s proceeds.

If you are caught in a catch-22 situation where you need funds to pay the municipality to obtain a rates clearance certificate in order to transfer your sold property but need to transfer the property to obtain the funds, then look no further than Prevance
We will unlock this and advance the funds to your attorney to obtain the rates and utilities clearance certificate. Transferring attorneys can apply online on their seller’s behalf for a cash advance via the ‘seller proceeds” of the transfer to cover rates and taxes that are both in arrears as well as the projected amounts requested by the municipality

Access your equity quickly and efficiently

  • The attorney conveyancer can arrange this speedily directly with Prevance
  • The required funds are usually available within 24 hours of approval
  • The property is transferred timeously, benefiting the buyer, seller, and agent